Calming RAIN

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The acronym RAIN was first coined about 20 years ago by Michele McDonald, and this useful tool for more calm has been updated more recently by mindfulness meditation teacher and psychologist Tara Brach:

R­ – Recognize what is going on;
A – Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;
I – Investigate with interest and care;
N – Nurture with self-compassion.

These steps are about consciously acknowledging what we are feeling (recognize); allowing the thoughts and feelings without trying to fix or resist (allow); exploring experience with curiosity, particularly the felt-sense in the body (investigate); and attending to the wounded or frightened parts of yourself with compassion (nurture). After completing the RAIN steps, as Tara explains, you may notice that you’re less identified with your passing emotional state and more aware of your own presence as a “tender space of awareness”.

For more about RAIN, including some helpful meditations, see Tara’s website:


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